

Indian Economy- Reaping benefits of right decisions

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[singlepic id=50 w=0 h=0 float=left] If we consider internal and external factor in the economic history of India. From internal economic factor, India today is a economic power house because of the vision of our leaders. At the time (just after independence) when private sector didn’t had capital it was sensible to have Public companies with technology tie- up with the developed nations of the world. Also it was not by chance that we have today so many world class engineers, it was by design that India invested a huge proportion of education fund to prestigious higher education institutes. From the external factor perspective, huge number of Indian staying abroad and ever increasing headcount every year helped Indian government to mitigate the pressures such as one America imposed of economic sanctions in terms of forex. The ability of an Indians to survive in tough environment and deliver has proved their mettle.

Is Growth in Indian Economy because of right decision taken in past

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Though India might have to open gates of economic liberalisation under pressure, however, the way process was handled was meticulous. Though we have seen good growth in last decade growth, however today’s leader have to plan for an inclusive growth. The new funds should be directed toward primary education, health care and infrastructure to widen the benefit to all sections of the society. Promoting innovation should be important objective, it should be driven at all levels and government should be a facilitator.

Have added a small quiz on Indian economic history… I hope you will enjoy it…

During 1950 to 1980, the Indian economy grew at Hindu Rate of Growth? WHat does Hindu Rate of Growth means?

GDP of India in 1950 was?

GDP of India in 2005?

In 1950 Indian Economy had X % share where as in 2005 it had Y % share of Indian economy. What are X & Y respectively?

In the First Century the share of Indian Economy in World economy was?

In the Year 1000 the % share of Indian economy of the World Economy was?

In year 1820, under British Empire, what was the share of Indian economy of the world Economy?

India’s current forex reserve in 2010 is?

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One response to “Indian Economy- Reaping benefits of right decisions”

  1. That is As well wonderful, when it will come in india wish it could make a Rocking position for youngster.. wish that arrive accurate.

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